Monday, June 29, 2009

TJ = brutal post

gobbo is in vancouver right now fucking loving life and partying the only way he knows how...high on life
and gay as fuck
random ottawa visit turned into a crazy adventure across canada with camping, fireworks, veggie dogs, skinny dipping, fullpipes, four stitches in the head, broken axles, broken hearts, too many concrete parks to bear and ice grinds all day

3ride premiered the new primo video last night and the hurricane grill was in full effect...rider wise. and we collectively lost our shit when we saw sam lowe's banger section, which is also sad since he took himself out recently on a backwards grind and wont be riding for a while

but riding is for fags anyways so we should all hurt ourselves or just quit right now

ps. im watching the am:pm video right now and i recommend that anyone who understands what street riding is really all about goes and watches this somehow. apparently bmx isnt as gay as i thought it was

Sunday, June 21, 2009

where in the world is andrew gobbo?

i dont know. well ok i do know where he is, i guess himself making an update would be gay as fuck unless you are gay as fuck then...i guess you would just like that wouldnt you. ok so ya gobbo and scott desided to do a trip and out to ottawa since scott had a week off and gobbo is living off his income tax mons, so ya they got some semi cheap bus tickets and a couple boxes for the bikes and dipped. as they got there scott more than likly bought a box of beers and started drinking and i would also go ahead and assume that gobbo spent maybe 45 mins in a grocery store desiding what to get to eat! boom roasted.

and i guess from what i hear theres was alittle bit of riding going down. there as a burlington maple park ramp in the yard.

i dont even know why im writing this i didnt even go. lol scott finish this story off

but i can tell you where gobbo is, goboo has some pals out in ottawa that they stayed with and they were about to adventure out to b.c. so they asked gobbo to come with them. so he stayed an extra week in ottawa so he could join they ottawas crews adventure so if you werent quite sure where he is there you go.

brutal post.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Andy Roode is sick as balls

I dont remember when i first met Andy, but im sure it was somewhere in vancouver and had something to do with Sam Lowe. Since then ive personally seen this Nova Scotia transplant do some crazy shit on his bike that i didnt think could or maybe should be done, and i always got pumped whenever we got together to ride street. Andy will charge at shit he wants to do, motivate you to do the shit you wanna do, and still makes it all feel like a good ol time. Basically, Andy is sick as balls.

Ive got three videos here that i recommend watching, that show some serious progression over the last couple years.
If this shit doesnt get you pumped to ride, you probably spend most of your time either scuffing in a parking lot or doing footjams on little quarters

Andy Roode from orville redenbacher on Vimeo.

Andy Roode from orville redenbacher on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

vids that i was stoked on today.

i had a really shitty monday im sure we all did but these 3 vids semi made my day.

last trick.

Troy Merkle California adventure! from Stolen BMX on Vimeo.

almost as good as a fresh charlie chumbum edit.

Mitchell Lamme at Middletown from DK Bicycle Company on Vimeo.

take a good look at the last trick.

Monday, June 1, 2009

We're as gay as we are Canadian

rainbows are sick

not really, but rainbows are sick