Friday, April 24, 2009

bike dancing

tricks on fixies seem to be getting more and more popular. it just seems so pointless, they are designed to go fast, thats it. if you thought a pedal grind down the hubba ledge was gay. check it

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

tjs bike


sunday og 21
ody dirts
ody spacebars
animal jump off stem
fsa cranks-ti spindle
macneil capital slim seat
macneil stump post
animal og pegs-4
some kinda ody seat clamp
ody hazard lite to a wethepeople supreme cassete 48
proper rim laced to a ody vandero 2 front 36
shitty fit tire in the front animal asm in the back
fly ruban grips
fly bar ends
1 ody pc 1 animal pc (its all i got shut up)
mother fuckin fbm hub guard in the back and 2 g-spots in front
united sprocket 30t
brutal pos chain
i dont know what it weighs 

*click the pic to view it bigger*

over all ballin. in my eyes anyway cause if you've known me for along time you know my history of whips and the last 2 years my bikes been pretty well kept so im happy

send in yours to

Monday, April 13, 2009

well moham was getting drunk...this is what was going down at jesus jam.

Jesus Jam 2009 from Andrew Gobbo on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


i dont wanna become a site that just reposts shit all day long but this is a must. new animal promo

Thursday, April 9, 2009

random post:insaneness

this isnt anyone from our scene not even from our country NOT even a buddy but i love this video dudes name is ryan howard, kills it

ryan howard section from ryan howard on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

let us not forget


this is something new to the hamilton scene but just if anybody forgot. its going down.

*also just so everyone knows mike tatti gets full credit for naming this jam* HA

and if anyone needs any help with directions email and well do what we can to help you out

got some footy

we got some shine in a quick little edit throw together from our hommies from sauga 

check there blog and the edit out here

Friday, April 3, 2009

moham = flat ledges 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

a few words with of many chris kupi interviews

after one or nine beers I wanted to get answers to a couple of questions I had for Chris.

What is the Largest amount of alcohol you have consumed in one day?
" a Two Four, A 26er..same as anyone else."
Did you ever get to see Zenkner on-one-foo-one foot manual the median out back?
"yes, it was dope flatland...too bad he was riding a Haro Backtrail."
Who would you is say your bmx influence
"I would have to say that goose, the bucket faucet got that ball rollin."
What is the worst bike part you regret buying every single day?
"the ditchfork ahaha ahahahah ahahahaha."
If you had to think of your best BMX memory, what would it be?
"At one of the earliest turkey jams i remember taking 40 million bitch runs at the Scottish write rail, eating shit and then pulling it. That's was a pretty good day."
Working in the heart of gay BMX, what is the worst thing you have seen happen to this once loved life style?
"kids spending $300 on a free coaster and they can't do a 180. kids asking for deals driving to the store in a Lexus. And probably the colour neon."
over smith or feeble to 180?
"over smith, its all about the nose dive."
Besides Lance Armstrong, who is your least favourite bike rider?
"Jeremy Pavolitch" boom, roasted.
 First road fools quote that come to mind. GO!
"startin' the day off wright, man overboard."
If you had to pick three words to sum up BMX as you see it today what would they be?
why do you ride?
'i'm trying to put it into words for you, that's all. to experience ones life...i'm fuckin be in control in ones enjoyment. i'm not doing it for anyone else but for myself."
what is your ideal docking sequence?
"no longer than 30 seconds really...keep them fresh, keep them clean."